Testing will not be performed on privately owned fire hydrants

Typically the fire hydrant being used for testing is the hydrant closest to the site. Augusta Water in cooperation with the Developer will determine the hydrant to be used for testing.

If recent testing in the area of the project has been performed (less than one year), that testing information will be provided and a new test may be deemed unnecessary. Calculations from the Augusta Water water model may also be provided in place of a physical test.

Applicant will be contacted within 10 business days to schedule the flow test following the receipt of this application. Scheduling is based on weather and available Augusta Water personnel.


The fire hydrant ID number can be located on the fire hydrant
Providing an alternate flow hydrant will allow Augusta Water staff to verify that a secondary fire hydrant is available for use during the test in the event the requested hydrant is out of service for maintenance or if drainage is an issue.
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