Augusta Water has been proudly providing water and sewer service to County residents since 1966. As a separate entity from the County of Augusta, funds for services and maintenance are provided by our rate paying customers, not by taxes.
Augusta Water will plan for and support the development objectives of Augusta County as stated in the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Augusta Water will offer extension of service to potential customers consistent with financial feasibility and equitable treatment of all customers.
Augusta Water also manages and operates the Augusta Regional Landfill on behalf of the cities of Staunton & Waynesboro and the County of Augusta.
- Pay Bill Online
- EyeOnWater
- How Do I Start/Transfer Service?
- How Do I Stop Service?
- Payment Options
- Fee Schedule
- Rate Schedule
- Current Projects
- Greenville Village Special Sewer Rate Information
- Backflow Prevention
- Water Quality Reports
- Learn about PFAS
- Learn about Fluoridation
- Bulk Water Sales
- Freedom of Information Act
- Scam Information